New e-Mail & Print feature at Photographers 1840 -1940

In response to suggestions from our users, each page on Photographers 1840 – 1940 now features a user friendly ‘e-Mail this Page’ and ‘Print this Page’ facility. As well as being useful for notifying friends about the site content, and printing pages for your research, you can always e-mail a specific page to yourself to retain a digital copy. The icons for e-mail and print can be found towards the top of each page just under the banner image.

Have fun exploring the site … in the last few months its grown to almost four hundred pages and there’s lots more content still to be published.

New ‘Studios Illustrated’ resource …

Mr Ron Cosens of the Photographers 1840 – 1940 Great Britain & Ireland website is pleased to announce a new resource for researchers – Studios Illustrated.

Ron explains:

“We have always been fascinated by the studios that our photographers worked in and we are building up an interesting portfolio of illustrations that show us more. In fact we want to include anything that shows the inside or the outside of the studio or of the equipment or marketing material used. There is a separate page for the studio/s of each photographer that is featured. The illustrations are taken from photographs, photo mounts, advertisements, brochures, billheads etc. “

All illustrations on this website are the copyright of the Victorian Image Collection unless otherwise stated.