Victorian Humour on Cartes de Visite informative download now available

Victorian Humour on Cartes de Visite

This article looks at the various ways that cartes de visite used humour – intentionally and otherwise.

The article was first published in Photographica World, the magazine of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain. For more details about the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain, please visit

An Introduction to Dating Cartes de Visite informative download now available

An Introduction to Dating Cartes de Visite

This article looks at some of the clues that help to date cartes de visite and cabinet card photographs.

The article was first published in Photographica World, the magazine of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain. For more details about the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain, please visit

Photography Prize Medals informative download now available

Photography Prize Medals

This article looks at the way that Victorian photographers illustrated their prize medals on their photographic mounts to promote their businesses.

The article was first published in Photographica World, the magazine of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain. For more details about the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain, please visit

Victorian Photographic Studio Backgrounds informative download now available

Victorian Photographic Studio Backgrounds

This article looks at the many styles of backgrounds and backcloths used in Victorian photographic studios. Some were very artistically painted whilst others were very crudely made.

The article was first published in Photographica World, the magazine of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain. For more details about the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain, please visit

Marketing Victorian Photographic Studios informative download available

Marketing Victorian Photographic Studios

This article looks at the popular ways that Victorian photographers used to promote their studios and their services.

The article was first published in Photographica World, the magazine of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain. For more details about the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain, please visit

Victorian Photographic Studios Illustrated

Cartomania 3 StudiosNOW AVAILABLE – for carte de visite enthusiasts everywhere. This is the fourth of a series of free articles about collecting Victorian cartes de visite and cabinet cards. There are more articles to follow. Please visit Photographers of Great Britain & Ireland 1840 – 1940 for your free download.

Victorian Photographic Studios Illustrated

This article looks at Victorian cartes de visite and cabinet cards and how some of them illustrate the photographer’s studio – outdoors and indoors.

The article was first published in Photographica World, the magazine of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain. For more details about the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain, please visit


Victorian Photographic Studio Furniture

Victorian Photographic Studio Furniture - Cartomania 8NOW AVAILABLE – for carte de visite enthusiasts everywhere. This is the second of a series of free articles about collecting Victorian cartes de visite and cabinet cards. There are more articles to follow. Please visit Photographers of Great Britain & Ireland 1840 – 1940 for your free download.

Victorian Photographic Studio Furniture

This article looks at the many types of posing chairs and other posing devices used in Victorian photographic studios. Many were specially designed to change in size so that they suited men, women and children.

The article was first published in Photographica World, the high quality magazine of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain – the club for collectors of all things photographic from around the world. For more details about the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain, please visit


Collecting Victorian cartes de visite and cabinet cards

Cartomania Part 1NOW AVAILABLE – for carte de visite enthusiasts everywhere. This is the first of a series of free articles about collecting Victorian cartes de visite and cabinet cards. There are more articles to follow. Please visit Photographers of Great Britain & Ireland 1840 – 1940 for your free download.

This article was first published in Photographica World in 2003. Photographica World is the magazine of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain – the club for collectors of all things photographic from around the world.


New ‘Studios Illustrated’ resource …

Mr Ron Cosens of the Photographers 1840 – 1940 Great Britain & Ireland website is pleased to announce a new resource for researchers – Studios Illustrated.

Ron explains:

“We have always been fascinated by the studios that our photographers worked in and we are building up an interesting portfolio of illustrations that show us more. In fact we want to include anything that shows the inside or the outside of the studio or of the equipment or marketing material used. There is a separate page for the studio/s of each photographer that is featured. The illustrations are taken from photographs, photo mounts, advertisements, brochures, billheads etc. “

All illustrations on this website are the copyright of the Victorian Image Collection unless otherwise stated.