Developing a biography webpage

Developing a biography is a great experience and a tribute.  To see it published is a very worthwhile and exciting experience indeed. Publication can also lead to further contacts and information coming to light.

However, biographies take quite a time to develop, format, edit and prepare for publication. Therefore, here are a few notes to clarify the process and to save everyone time and expense. Thanks for reading them.


The main steps in developing a biography are as follows

  1. Agree to develop a biography (family and web site editor)
  2. Draft a biography using the format and sections of existing biographies on the site (family)
  3. Provide a draft for editing (family)
  4. If available, provide images of census returns (family)
  5. Provide other images – e.g. photos, certificates, adverts etc. (family)
  6. Edit and send to the family for comment and sign off (editor)
  7. Comment, amend and return to the editor (family)
  8. Finalise (editor)
  9. Arrange publication via the website manager (editor)
  10. Advise family when published (editor)
  11. Amend at any time in the future if required (editor).


To help smooth the process and to reduce the cost, please note the following important points

  • The format should follow that already used in existing biographies as closely as possible
  • Drafts must be in Microsoft Word (i.e. a .doc file or a .docx file)
  • Images can be inserted in the Word file BUT each image (photo, certificate, advert etc.) should  be supplied as a SEPARATE .jpg file as well
  • Images should be scanned at 300dpi if possible. Images at lower qualities can be used but may have to be published at  a small size only
  • Scans should be sent by email with a maximum of two scans per email
  • At sign off, all additions to the text of draft biographies should be highlighted in RED
  • At sign off, all proposed deletions should be highlighted in GREEN, please do NOT delete the words.


Any queries, just Contact Us.